Friday, October 3, 2014

Thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy

I actually watched this movie a few months ago, and had already written the following thoughts on several other sources. As of right now all I'm really doing is transferring it over to this blog for dat organization. 

 Regarding this movie I was very excited for it, but after seeing it I am very sad to say that I'm incredibly disappointed by it. Thoughts below after the break! (No spoilers! Read without fear!)

The starting act of the movie was absolutely stellar (Mostly the prison sequence), and it had masterfully executed humor, great dialogue, and established each of the characters. It also solidified Rocket's role as the most amazing badass ever.

Rocket was so great simply due to the fact that his many lines of dialogue were so amazing, and well-timed. It was incredibly engaging. However like most of the rest of the movie, his character also begins to fall flat in the later parts, not having the same impact as he did in the start.

After that amazing opening act I felt that the movie had started going downhill for me in that it delved into rather cliched, and uninspired territory. There's an awesome type of cheesy, and a bland type of cheesy, and the movie mostly fell into the latter in its second half.

The movie also did itself no favors in that it sometimes didn't realize that some moments were extremely inappropriate to stuff its humor in. IN a particular scene near the very end it just put humor in a part that it really had no business being in.

It's fine that a movie can blend both drama, and humor, but I felt that the movie had misplaced some of it by the end.

Another gripe I had which some people may not care about is that some of the characters did some pretty stupid stuff. This is a personal con of mine which delves into nitpicking territory that some people may be able to overlook with sufficient  suspension of disbelief.

In the end my verdict of the movie is that it had an insanely strong opening with tons of potential, but wastes that potential after the starting acts, and delves into cliches, and sometimes aggravating plotlines. my enjoyment of the movie in the end was about a 5/10

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