Saturday, November 1, 2014

Thoughts on The Evil Within (PC)

“The Evil Within” is a 3rd person shooter survival horror game developed by Tango Gameworks, and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game is also directed by Shinji Mikami, the director of Resident Evil 1, and 4.

Initially I was incredibly excited for the Evil Within because I was a massive fan of games like Dead Space, and Resident Evil 4, and this game seemed to channel the spirit of these games while having an identity of its own. Now that the game is out, how does it hold up? Rather disappointing I must say.

This article will seem more like a review than my usual thoughts ones since I have a lot I want to cover, so I figure I’d just go all the way, and cover as much as I can.

This is based on one playthrough of the whole game on Survivor difficulty. As always with most of the things I write...SPOILER FREE!

Read the whole thing after the break!